Local Businesses with private transport

Ibiza told by locals: Route of local businesses that you can visit in private transport.

Since we were children, we have grown up surrounded by this island's natural beauty, which has instilled in us a deep love for its corners and its culture.

At DIPESA GROUP, each transfer we offer is not just a service but an opportunity to share with our clients the natural value of Ibiza, providing them with experiences that inspire respect and admiration for our land.

Therefore, we invite you to enjoy this unique route. A route that unites nature and tradition so that you can discover the most authentic part of our land and take with you the taste of having known the most beautiful and real part of our home: Ibiza.

Threads of the Earth: fashion for lovers of history and the significance of traditions.

We travel to the island's heart to discover the work of Sonia Ferrer, an Ibizan woman linked to the land and tradition of Ibiza since her ancestors. With her, we discovered her fashion brand Delbes.

From her workshop in the heart of Ibiza, Sonia always seeks coherence with her beliefs and her way of seeing life. Inspired by the Ibizan regional costume and country dance, this designer transforms all traditional elements into modern and timeless garments, combining various sources of inspiration and craftsmanship.

To know your brand is to instantly fall in love with fashion. It is letting yourself be carried away by the aesthetic, by the timeless. For the value of an inheritance that anyone gives off as they walk, even without knowing it.

As a family business at DIPESA GROUP, the connection with Ibizan traditions and culture is the thread of our history. Sharing Sonia's work is for us to enhance the pride of where we come from and the opportunity to give our clients a touch of who we really are.

Green and committed routes

Did you know that more than half of the island is forest? To give you an idea, we will tell you another way: Ibiza has an area of forests equivalent to more than 40,000 football fields. Forests are a valuable natural treasure that hides unique corners to get lost in.

Aware of this valuable heritage, Marc Torres and Donovan Cruces founded The Other Face, a company dedicated to hiking that promotes routes that respect the earth's ecosystem. Through the different experiences of The Other Face, you can immerse yourself in the greenest Ibiza and soak up our culture and history. They reflect the admiration we feel for each of our corners.

Furthermore, at DIPESA GROUP, we can arrange private transportation to the starting point of the route you choose to take. This is a simple and comfortable way to conserve the energy you will allocate to this adventure and enjoy every moment to the fullest.

Before continuing, it is important for us to remember this: any activity that you will carry out in the natural environment of Ibiza requires responsible and respectful behavior. Our territory is vulnerable and at risk, although this is not constantly discussed.

For this reason, and if you are interested in delving into our local terrestrial ecosystem's different challenges, we invite you to learn a little more with Clara Cano. She is the one who first-hand explains to us the importance of taking care of our forests, interesting facts, and a Mediterranean soil conservation project called Regenera Natura:

Flavors full of tradition

Let's imagine you are in Ibiza on Sunday. As it could not be otherwise, the journey is to the Sant Joan Market. This is an essential weekly event for many residents and visitors, featuring the crafts of Ibiza. Although we want to get lost in the different positions, today, we will stop at one in particular to meet Cristina. She is Raíces de Ibiza.

Cristina is one of those energetic women who instantly cast a spell on you. A pioneer cook and farmer on the island who worked hard to recover a native wheat seed: the Xeixa. Their passion for the land of Ibiza and vegan cuisine translates into endless products full of flavor and tradition. Raw vegan desserts, whole grain bread made in a wood oven, buckwheat muesli... honest cuisine from the heart.

To learn more about her proposals, we leave you this interview with her where she explains the love we share for our island:

Raíces de Ibiza is a local project, one of those that combines tradition and flavors of our land, but we must be honest: getting to your table includes a long journey and a few headaches to park, especially if it is summer. If you come to our island to enjoy, take advantage of the days, and feel free of ties and responsibilities, remember that at Dipesa Group, there will always be a private driver at your service.


At DIPESA GROUP, we want to share with the world the value of our home and its people. Ibiza is an island with historical tradition and deep-rooted culture—an intangible identity that we want to transcend and become more visible every day in each of our private transfer services.




Private chauffeur in Ibiza

Ibiza told by locals: get to know the authentic and traditional island through private transport.

Being a family business leaves a mark on how we communicate and transmit knowledge about the island to our clients. For us, sharing Ibiza in each private transfer is how we deliver to our clients the intangible heritage of this home that has inspired them for many years.

3 things you have to experience and know about Ibiza

Guided tour of Dalt Villa


When planning your visit to Ibiza, include Dalt Vila in your itinerary. This ancient walled city, recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, dates back to the 7th century BC and was initially built by the Phoenicians. You can explore the city's labyrinth of cobbled alleys, majestic Renaissance doors, and hidden treasures.

Dalt Vila offers seven bastions and scenic viewpoints that provide panoramic views of the Mediterranean. Experience the town's medieval charms by taking a tour with Ibiza Guides and our private transfer, which can take you to areas restricted to road traffic. You'll discover the town's secrets, from legends of little-known tunnels to culinary offerings in ancient buildings. This is why Dalt Vila is considered one of the best places in Ibiza.

We encourage you to immerse yourself in the town's rich history, mingle with locals, and admire the impressive landscapes. We guarantee you an enriching cultural experience.

Ball Pagés.

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Something that characterizes private transfers in Ibiza is that many want to go with the windows down. Sometimes, letting the Mediterranean air fill the environment is a way to connect with the earth. To know that there are plans in Ibiza that go beyond the usual photography.

Thus, in the middle of the journey, many of our clients ask us to follow the sound of the drums and flutes. The "Ball Pagès" is a tradition and part of our history that everyone who visits the island should know and enjoy.

This typical dance, of unknown origin, preserves its purity. The dancers follow the dancers, wearing wool and linen costumes loaded with handmade details and adorned with gold, silver, and coral jewelry, creating quite a spectacle.

The dance perfectly represents a courtship technique. The man calls the woman with a touch of castanets, and thus, the dance begins.

This spectacle is worth a stop or even a detour. Dipesa Group's private drivers will always be ready to accommodate our clients' wishes and share local experiences.


Salmorra in Sa Nansa.

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At Dipesa Group, we have countless stories to share from our 30 years of private transfer service. However, what amazes us the most is the commonality among our clients.

It might surprise some that we often receive messages from clients thanking us for recommending Sa Nansa restaurant. This is because each bite of the food prepared by Chef Pep Tur, who is part of the family that runs the restaurant, is a delicacy that embodies Ibizan tradition.

We proudly claim that Sa Nansa serves the best Fish Salmorra on the island of Ibiza. This iconic dish originated from the way fishermen cooked while out at sea. The recipe often uses fresh fish purchased directly from local fishermen, making it a seasonal dish that showcases the island's gastronomic heritage.

Check out this video if you want to learn more about the Fish Salmorra recipe and start drooling. It was created especially for our clients who have experienced our private transportation service with local experiences and dined at Sa Nansa. The food at this restaurant has become a cherished memory for many of our clients.


Book a transfer with Dipesa Group here.

Prepare to be amazed when you set foot on Ibiza's stunning shores. These recommendations are sure to add memorable moments to your experience. However, we recommend booking private transfers and making early reservations to choose the time and day that best suits your plans in Ibiza.

At Dipesa Group, we're here to improve your visit to Ibiza. We offer private transfer services for families, groups, and companies. Whatever your case, we aim to share the best of our home and our passion for serving the island.

Ibiza during the Easter season

Recommended activities to do in Ibiza during the Easter season. A 3-day plan to get to know the island.

Holy Week in Ibiza is a perfect time to enjoy a holiday full of unforgettable experiences. In this entry, we will guide you through a personalized itinerary that balances culture with entertainment, offering Easter activity options ranging from immersion in local culture and exploring iconic beaches to adventure tourism and sunsets. That will remain engraved in your memory.
Get ready to experience Ibiza uniquely. For more than 30 years, at Dipesa Group, we have shared tradition and love for our land to offer you an unforgettable experience. This small guide will give you experiences full of wonder and happiness. 

Day 1: Discover the World Heritage and local traditions

Start your trip through Ibiza exploring its cultural legacy with private transport organized to suit you and your time. With it, you can start the route through the ancient Phoenician site of Sa Caleta, a world heritage site that tells you about its founders; the fishermen and sailors who crossed the seas millennia ago. Enjoy the beautiful views and follow the route to the Madina Yabisa Interpretation Centre, where layers of Ibiza's history are revealed in its exhibitions.

Continue your cultural journey towards the Bastions of Sant Pere and Sant Jaume, where you will take in the stunning views of a defensive past. You will be able to catch your breath and continue getting to know the beauty of our home.

For a deeper understanding of Ibizan traditions, you can't help but ask your private driver to take you to the Museum of Ethnography. It is a magnificent opportunity to experience activities in Ibiza with native touches and immerse yourself in its display of clothing, instruments, and tools that form the cultural tapestry of the island.

If you are an art lover, visit the Ibiza Modern Art Center. The MACE is a hidden treasure with works by Tàpies and Miralles and a notable collection of Japanese prints that bear witness to the artistic diversity that beautifies Ibiza.

After nourishing the spirit with history and art, it is time to comfort. We recommend you visit some of the most famous beaches on the island. During Holy Week, the influx of bathers is low, allowing you to enjoy these paradisiacal beaches in tranquility. Some beaches you must visit are Ses Salines, Platges de Comte, and Cala Bassa. Take the opportunity to relax on the sand, dip in the crystal-clear waters, and enjoy the sun.

Day 2: Natural Adventure and Unforgettable Sunsets

Wake up this day with the excitement of a natural adventure. We recommend you go with private transportation that is dedicated to your itinerary.

For those who like challenges, the path that leads to Sa Talaia invites you to conquer the highest peak on the island. Coming to this area of Ibiza is to receive the gift of panoramic views and a new understanding of Mother Nature.

For this day, a hiking route will be the particular activity. A guided visit to the emblematic spots of Sa Pedrera de Cala d'Hort (popularly known as Atlantis) and Punta Galera, from where you can see the islet of Es Vedrá, will become an unforgettable moment. This is where the energy invades even the most skeptical and always leaves good comments.

Once you've returned, catch your breath and prepare your palate to taste the island's most straightforward and most delicious local cuisine. Tell your private driver that I took you to Ca's Pagès. A traditional house where they serve grilled meats and some homemade Ibizan dishes and desserts. It is one of the emblematic restaurants in the northern area, open since the seventies. Steaks, blood sausages, chorizos, chicken, and vegetables come from their charcoal barbecue. Still, it is also worth trying the arroz de matas (typical of Ibizan winters and, therefore, powerful) or the soft payès in a clay pot with potatoes, meat, and local sausages.
But you are looking for something simpler, more prosperous, and just as local. In that case, we recommend Es Pins or Can Sulayetas. Traditional bars, where we Ibizans enjoy good bread and better company.

To end the day, you can't go to rest without watching the sunset from somewhere near your accommodation. Ibiza, from any angle, will give you indescribable colors. Let the emotions of the day accompany you, return safely in your private transportation, and let the night envelop the island you will have tomorrow for you.

Day 3: Local Gastronomy and Holy Week Traditions

As you reach the third and final day of your trip to Ibiza, it is time to immerse yourself in the essence of the local gastronomy and participate in the deep traditions of Holy Week, which plague every corner of this island. The celebration of Easter here is synonymous with new beginnings. It is the perfect time to bring to life the most authentic expressions of Ibizan culture.

Start the day calmly and enjoy a mid-morning walk through a local market, where the flavors of the land come to life in each piece of 'flaó'. That Ibizan goat cheese cake with a touch of mint leaves. Your private driver can suggest which ones to visit since many are around the island. In all of them, you will find something unique and very traditional.

We recommend trying the 'cuinat' at the Es Caliu Restaurant for lunch. A stew of vegetables and chickpeas typical of Holy Week in Ibiza envelops you with the homely warmth of Ibizan cuisine.

After an after-dinner meal with herbs from Ibiza, we suggest you go with your private transport to the upper part of Dalt Vila, where the traditional Holy Week procession unleashes a symphony of drums and candles, where the Nazarenes parade among the steep and cobbled streets of the walled city.

Another option is to live the experience in other towns on the island, such as Santa Eulària, where processions and the Stations of the Cross are held that attract locals and tourists alike, given their solemnity.

Once the religious ceremonies are over, you can take the opportunity to close with a flourish on a terrace facing the sea. Enjoy a cocktail and the spectacular views. The perfect environment to reflect on the experiences during your stay before returning to your accommodation.

Private transport in Ibiza with Dipesa Group

During your stay in Ibiza, having a private transport service can make a difference in waiting, comfort, and enjoyment. Dipesa Group is a leading family business in private transportation on the island, with over 30 years of serving our clients. We offer the experience of getting to know the most authentic and traditional Ibiza in high-end cars and with drivers who respect and value every bit of our land.

Book your private transport for Easter in Ibiza.

Traveling is discovering, learning, and enjoying. At Dipesa Group, we are dedicated to making your trips unforgettable and worry-free. Trust us to provide you with first-class private transportation in Ibiza and live the unique experience of getting to know the most authentic and traditional island during Holy Week with the help of Ibicencos, with more than 30 years of experience sharing the value of our island in each transfer.


Advantages of private transportation in Ibiza

Do you need private transportation to go on holiday to Ibiza?

Far from advertising and overcrowding, Ibiza is a natural space offering unforgettable experiences. For those who visit our land seeking the island's most authentic and genuine aspects, Ibiza provides tranquility and connection with life's most beautiful and simple things. We are an Ibiza family with over 30 years of experience in private transfers, and for us, taking each client is a way to give and share a piece of our home. We provide personalized and high-standard transportation experiences, ensuring that our clients can relax and enjoy their days off with every transfer.

 Advantages of private transportation in Ibiza

Hiring a private transfer in Ibiza is not necessary, but it is a decision that will significantly enhance the experience. As locals and connoisseurs of the island, one of the main advantages of choosing a private transfer service in Ibiza is its convenience.

Upon arrival at the airport after a long flight or after enjoying a day at the beach, it is essential to continue to relax and feel confident that you are well taken care of. That is why, at Dipesa Group, we offer a private transportation service that guarantees all journeys with comfortable, high-end cars and discreet, well-trained service to attend to our clients in a personalized manner.

Comfort and Privacy:

Our private transfers provide a superior level of comfort, privacy, and immediacy, allowing for a tranquil journey tailored to each client's needs.

 Flexibility and Personalized Service:

At Dipesa, we prioritize the needs and schedules of our passengers so they can dedicate themselves to enjoying their vacations without any hassles. We know that unpredictability is also a way to enjoy vacations.

The True Ibiza Experience:

We've told you before, and we won't tire of expressing our devotion to our land. We know every corner of it and want to share it with you so you can truly experience it—its traditions, its people, its history. This is how we ensure that the beauty and authenticity of Ibiza endure and are valued for generations.


Tips for a seamless transfer in Ibiza

 To ensure that your private transfer in Ibiza is flawless, we recommend following these tips:

  1. Book your transfer in advance: This will allow you to secure a suitable vehicle and get the best possible prices.
  2. Provide all necessary information when making the reservation: Make sure to include the details of your flight and accommodation correctly to ensure clarity on the day of your arrival.
  3. Carry the transfer company's contact number with you: This way, you can contact them in case of unforeseen events or plan changes.

By implementing these tips and opting for transfers from Dipesa Group, you will immerse yourself in the unique charm of Ibiza and enjoy professional service, where we strive to exceed our client's expectations.

Go ahead and book with Dipesa Group and turn your vacation into moments of recharge and connection.

Days of enjoyment in Ibiza. Guaranteed attention.

 In conclusion, choosing a private transfer service with Dipesa Group during your stay in Ibiza means opting for maximum comfort, efficiency, and discretion with every journey. Our services are designed to minimize setbacks, waiting times, and typical inconveniences of other means of transportation, allowing our clients to enjoy the best of our island from the moment of their arrival.

At Dipesa Group, our passion is to provide exceptional service in our home! Experience this passion with us and discover what makes Ibiza and its people unique.

Private transport service for group trips in Ibiza.

Guide to selecting the best private transport service for group trips in Ibiza.

Do you want a luxury transportation service that adapts to the needs and preferences of your group? Are you looking for a way to travel with all the comfort and safety your family vacation deserves?

Our island is a center of personal and professional adventures that receives millions of people with different needs yearly. The services are as varied as the thousands of tourists searching for experiences, so knowing how to choose is essential.

If you are coming to spend a few days in Ibiza or are organizing an event or activity in which comfort, image, and convenience are priorities, come to this post, where the Dipesa Group team will advise you on choosing the private transportation that suits your expectations.

What is and what are the luxury private transport service minibusses in Ibiza like?

A luxury private transport minibus is a vehicle with 11 or more seats designed to offer maximum comfort and convenience to its passengers. It has a series of features and benefits that differentiate it from conventional coaches. Some of these features are:

– Large, ergonomic, and reclining seats, with headrests, footrests, and, in some cases, seats facing each other to maintain social contact during the journey.

– Individual air conditioning, adjustable lighting, curtains, and/or tinted windows to create a pleasant and private atmosphere.

– Complimentary water service and amenities on board for the passenger's well-being.

– Spacious trunk for luggage and interior compartments for personal items.

– Adaptations for people with reduced mobility.

In addition, a luxury minibus has the latest safety and efficiency technology, braking, suspension, speed and stability control systems, geolocation technology, and ecological engines that reduce consumption and emissions.

4 Expert Tips: How to Select a Private Transfer Service for Group Tours in Ibiza?

  1. Identify the group's needs for travel by private transportation.

Before starting your search, it's crucial to consider your group's specific needs. These may include the number of people who will travel, the duration of the trip, whether there are people with disabilities, and something that is not always considered: The destination and its route. Knowing this will help you select a vehicle with the appropriate capacity and characteristics since, in Ibiza, depending on the area you want to reach or visit, the roads and streets are not always suitable for any vehicle.

  1. Check the condition and maintenance of the vehicle, as well as the safety provided by the driver.

Just as we pointed out at the beginning, in Ibiza, there is a vast diversity of services and qualities of private transfers. Before deciding, ensure the vehicle you hire is in top condition and adequately maintained. We suggest always asking for updated photos of the fleet and not getting carried away by the salesman's words.

Likewise, find out about the regulations drivers go through when driving, the recording and geolocation services, and the training the drivers who offer the service have.

  1. Local knowledge of the private transportation service

If you plan a trip to Ibiza, ensure the transportation service has a good knowledge of the area. Ibiza has roads that are not in the best condition for traveling with large vehicles, and having an experienced local guide will make each journey flow in the best way. Ensure your group has a smooth experience and arrives at your desired destinations on time.

  1. Customer Service

It is essential that the transport company has accessible customer service, that it responds quickly and empathetically to your questions and needs, and, of course, that it draw up explicit and detailed contracts that do not lend themselves to misunderstandings. This will give you peace of mind if changes and unforeseen events arise during the trip.

What are the advantages of renting a private transfer from Dipesa Group to transport a group in Ibiza?

Choosing a private transfer with Dipesa Group to travel and get to know our island has many advantages for passengers and trip organizers. Some are:

– Flexibility:  at Dipesa Group, we recommend the best possible service for each route, but you have the last word. With us, you can choose the vehicle that best suits your needs according to capacity, equipment, and design. You can also customize the itinerary, schedule, and stops according to your preferences and the group's.

On the other hand, we are incredibly proud to be one of the few private companies in Ibiza that have adapted vehicles and trained personnel to transport people with reduced mobility.

– Convenience:  when renting a private transfer of our category, you forget about driving, looking for parking, loading and arranging luggage, and following a fixed schedule. Our main objective will be for all passengers to relax and enjoy the trip while our team takes care of agendas, details, and last-minute changes.

– Security:  you make sure that you travel with a vehicle in unsurpassed conditions since, at Dipesa Group, we are known for offering exclusive transfers in a high-end geolocated fleet. Likewise, you have the certainty of having a professional driver who has passed a breathalyzer test before getting behind the wheel for each service and has the experience and training to take you on any route to the most authentic part of Ibiza.

– Customer service:  at Dipesa Group, we strive to provide personalized service. Our drivers are in constant contact with the client and take care of any setbacks because we know that enjoyment is only possible when our clients feel trusted, listened to, and cared for.

– Circular economy:  by renting a group service, you collaborate with the environment and do your part in conserving our wonderful island. Our mission as a family and local business, with more than 30 years of service is to promote, share, and always give back to our land something better than what it gives us with so much love.


Choosing a private transportation service for a group trip doesn't have to be complicated. Considering these points, you can select the service that best suits your needs and guarantee an unforgettable experience.

If you need to hire a private transfer in Ibiza, do not hesitate to contact us at Dipesa Group.  Our team of professionals will be happy to help you plan your experience.

Happy visit to our home. Ibiza!